Friday, February 27, 2009 we go, I suppose.

...and then I did nothing.

I am 40 something.

Empty nested...due to my own choosing. The chicklets would have stayed in the nest much longer...had I not flown the coop before they were ready.

Tragedy...comedy...if I could write a hand would be tired. So here I sit, making my hand a little less tired. Because this ain't no book and I'm not an author. And, if the typos I am likely to create are any indication...I am no editor either.

What do I hope to accomplish here...I don't know? Hell... I can hardly figure out what I hope to accomplish in any given day. Let alone what I hope to accomplish with a blog.

Maybe tell a few stories of time gone by? I could regale you with stories of how life did me wrong, but really...hasn't life done us ALL wrong at one time or another?

I prefer to see the ridiculous side of life.

Oh...and I like to cook.

ALOT. But I'm trying to figure out how to go from cooking for a HOUSE FULL of people to cooking for just 2. And then there are the time/budget constraints. We aren't talking about anything gourmet coming out of my kitchen. (Although I do try?)

So maybe that will be what I blog 3 (sometimes 4 or 5 or more). We'll see.

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